2021 Resolution Ideas

New Year new beginning new hope new ideas. As the last year passed with so much stress negativity and a big pandemic by which we got affected in many ways. But as they say “The show must go on.” We should move on.Β The idea behind making resolutions is to prepare and boost ourselves. Setting goals or making resolutions makes us motivated. So, Here are some ideas I m sharing with you guys.

1. Stay MotivatedΒ 

Motivate yourself with good ideas, and self-care, by meeting people who make you feel good about yourself. List down your good qualities and things which you have achieved, and read it out once a day.


2. Exclude Negative and Toxic People

Mental health and peace are more important than anything else for the good life. Try to ignore or make a distance from negative and toxic people. Having around this kind of person makes you feel negative and demotivated. And ultimately it affects your personality and growth. So ignore them and make yourself busy and keep positive people around you.

3. Do Exercise Be healthy

Make a specific routine for your health. Do regular exercise of at least 30 to 45 minutes minimum of your own choice. Like, as walking, jogging, running, yoga, cardio, swimming, weight training, etc. Exercise makes you feel light and fresh. And release happy hormones in your body which ultimately makes you feel good.

4. Eat Healthily

Eat Healthy sounds very common and easy thing as making resolutions. But it’s a very huge thing to achieve and maintain in day-to-day life. Because nowadays because of our work routine and busy life, the main thing which we take very lightly is food. And consuming bad unhealthy food ultimately takes us in danger. So try to eat healthily as much as possible. And learn to make healthy dishes. Through that, you develop an interest in cooking and eventually, you enjoy eating food prepared by yourself.

5. Read more Books

β€œBooks are one’s best friend” this we have heard so many times. But it’s very true. Different books teach us different life experiences. We can grow up we can understand life in a better way and makes us more mature.

6. Learn new things

Promise yourself to learn new things. Learn to play any musical instrument, learn any new language, a new food recipe, learn swimming, dancing, or anything you love.

7.Β TravelΒ as much as you can

Travelling makes you explore new palaces as well as new people, new cultures, new cuisine, heritage sites, etc. It upgrades your knowledge and changes your point of view against any situation. Makes you strong and grows your ideas of living life.

8. Meet New People

Meeting new people can help you to grow as a person. When you meet new people and new personalities you can exchange thoughts activities knowledge and evolve for betterment. You can develop your communication skill and observation skills also. It keeps your mental and brain health better.

9. Set New Goals

Β Set new goals for the future. If you set goals then it makes you feel motivated to achieve the goals and reminds you now and then to fulfil them.

10. Try to achieve your Goals

It’s very easy to set goals. But it’s not that easy to achieve or do regular hard work to achieve or fulfil your goals. Do planning and organising for the achievement of desired goals. Be ready for all consequences and hurdles which come your way. And fight against all odds to move towards your goals. Ultimately if you didn’t achieve then also you have that satisfaction that you tried hard.

So just be ready for the new challenges new rides new work and a new phase of the upcoming 2021. Welcome the new year with a whole heart and warm wishes.

So,Β Be free Happy, and independentΒ in your thoughts, and takes the gear of your life into your own hands. Feel good.
Do give your feedback. And yes pls don’t bring up and gender bias issue here. I am not supporting and entertaining any such thing here. So be kind be humble. And let’s talk about equality equally.


0 thoughts on “2021 Resolution Ideas

  1. Wow Thank you for teach us or inspired us to make resolution how to make yourself happy and healthy also. Your way of thoughts if anyone can follow it's really makes themselves Happy. I am so much happy. Thank you…

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