Change Is The Only Constant

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said that β€œChange is the only constant”. It shows that we should keep moving. Either by places or by thoughts. The person who doesn’t move or change will be steady and his growth will be seized.
If we want to grow, we should evolve ourselves. If we evolve time by time then only we can grow and make a change in our life. We always heard from our friends and relatives that β€œOhh you have changed…!” But don’t know why people couldn’t accept the change in the person!! And especially when it’s for the betterment of a person.Β 
Personally as well as socially we all should accept the change and try to make a difference by doing change also. The old norms and system of our hypocritical society or particular system should change. And as the responsible person we should accept it.Β 
How we can accept change/ make it happen?
1) If you see a person changing or changing, appreciate it. Try to accept it and don’t bully or point out that in the wrong way.
2) Understand and support new things and new ideas which someone tries to imply. It helps us to grow better.
3) Make a small change or have the guts to imply in your own life. By that, you get benefit and you can motivate another person who gets confidence by just watching you doing something different.
4) Try to explore more places and meet new people. So that you can exchange ideas and observe more people. By that, you can get influenced by them and you can influence them as well.
So, together welcome each other with more warmth and empathy. Together we can evolve and make the world a better place. We should accept that;Β β€œChange is the law of nature.” And we should respect it.
So,Β Be free, Be Happy & Be independentΒ in your thoughts, takes the gear of your life into your own hands. Feel good.

Β Do give your feedback. And yes please don’t bring bias issues here. I am not supporting and entertaining any such thing here. So be kind be humble. And let’s talk about equality equally.

0 thoughts on “Change Is The Only Constant

  1. Change is running process of Life but no one can focus on this topic. You have explain in better way and you gives very kindly thought to appreciate it. Very good. Keep it up.

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