How does Karma Work?

How does Karma Work?

When a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird is dead, ants eat the bird. Time and circumstances can change at any time. Don’t devalue or hurt anyone in your life You may be powerful today, but remember time is more powerful than you. One tree makes a million matchsticks. But only one match stick is needed to burn a million trees.Β 



We used to hear the quote very frequently thatΒ β€œWhat goes around comes around.” When you do good to anyone it will give you or come back to you the same way you have given. What goes out comes into. You get back the same energy you put out.Β 


Over the years people have come up with many different ways to talk about the type of cosmic justice that says people are fated to get what they deserve, good or bad. People who believe in this call it karma, generally speaking, and see it as a way of making life fair, at least in the end.


Karma is specifically talking about how a person’s action in this and previous states of existence decide their fate in future life. When you truly understand Karma, you realize you are responsible for everything in your life.


“Karma teaches you to be kind modest, selfless, a giver and most importantly true to yourself.”

People always wonder what if we did not get good in return for doing something good!! It is hurtful and makes us take revenge, but the best revenge is always to just happily move on and let karma do the rest. You should not stop being yourself.Β 


The best way to get love is to give it. Most times, how you treat your children is how they grow up to treat you. When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.Β 


Even by chance meetings are the result of Karma. Things which you think by chance are fated by our previous lives. Even in the smallest events, there is no such thing as coincidence. You meet people and immediately you match the vibe. You become soulmates. The relationship went lifelong. This is the destiny which is already decided by your previous life karma.


If you have lived your life wisely then even death is not to be feared. I believe that how you died will define how wisely and honestly you lived your life.Β 


When you carry out acts of kindness, you get a wonderful feeling inside. Show a little faith in someone when they need it. You will be amazed at how it comes back around you.Β 


Most importantly remember and acknowledge to honour the hand which reached out to you when you needed it by being that hand to someone who is struggling.


The meaning of karma is in the intention. The intention behind action is what matters.Β 


So, be good and do good because you never know what will happen when Karma hits you back.

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